August 20, 2018

Sherrod Discusses the Dignity Of Work On ‘Hardball’

In the News

Time: President Trump Talks ‘America First,’ But Sherrod Brown Wears It

President Donald Trump talks a lot about his “America First” policies. As president, he’s called for boycotts of companies...

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In the News

Yahoo News: Democrats used to campaign on class — and win. It’s time to do it again.

RFK never got that chance. But from time to time his vision of an anti-establishment, have-not coalition — a...

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In the News

Sherrod Brown For USA Today: Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen are fake populists

Populism does not divide our society into these people here or those people over there. It doesn’t fan resentments...

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In the News

Vox: Democrats say they need a better economic message. Ohio’s Sherrod Brown thinks he has one.

Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio is offering one corrective vision for what Democrats hoping to retake the Midwest should...

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